Common Problem
How to cancel or modify an order?
You cannot modify or cancel the order by yourself after the order payment has been successfully made. If you need help, please contact customer service to modify or cancel your order.
How to view order information?
Please log in to your personal account to view order information in “Orders”.
How soon can an order be shipped?
Delivery time is 1-2 working days for orders, and 3-14 working days for orders that require customization. If there is a shortage of materials, the delivery time will be delayed; bulk wholesale products will be shipped at the agreed time. In case of special circumstances, the staff will contact to adjust the delivery time.
How to ensure customers receive their packages
As an honest seller, Instred168 will ensure that customers receive the product. If the package is found to be lost during transportation, please contact the staff in time, and the staff will resend the product as soon as possible after verification.
Whether to support cash on delivery
Instred168 does not support cash on delivery, if the customer is not satisfied after receiving the product, you can contact the customer service staff to apply for a full refund
Can I change the shipping address?
You can change the delivery address until the order is confirmed.
Once your item has shipped, you cannot change your shipping address.
For more information, please contact our team as soon as possible.